
Boeing suppliers re 787 -- can the plane be delivered on time? Probably not. - Rmail

The Wall Street Journal Monday has a solid feature on the 787 delays -- from the perspective of Boeing's 787 suppliers. Some suppliers were susprised when Scott Carson and Mike Bair said the plane will still be delivered on time next May, despite the delay in first flight to possibly mid December.

Suppliers say Boeing can still make the deadline. But that would mean everything goes right -- a rare occurrence in the process of developing a new aircraft.

"We looked at each other and said, 'Are they kidding?'" said a senior Boeing supplier who listened in on the conference call in which Boeing broke the news to Wall Street analysts and reporters.

Read the WSJ story.

Meanwhile, James Bell, Boeing's chief financial officer, told an investor's conference Monday the plane can still be delivered on time.

"Right now we are working a plan that still supports a May delivery," Bell told investors at a Bank of America conference in San Francisco. "And suppliers are supporting that plan, but there is increased risk with the shortened amount of time we have for the test flight. We don't have the margin for error we had previously so it does add to the risk."

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